Our Garden 2019

Each year we try to grow as many veggies and tomatoes as we can. We have had some great successes and some great failures over the years.

This year , the weather hasn’t really been on our side but we’ve still managed to grow a bit of a jungle.

we have lost a fair few fights with the snails this year, I think the wet weather has made for some perfect snail conditions. They left enough for us to have a good few homegrown meals and we have learned some lessons for next year.

i started this post a good few weeks ago now and another garden update will be due soon. The changing of the seasons fills me with so much joy. Especially the summer -autumn-winter change. Incorporating the changes in the garden into our seasonal plans feels so good and connective. It is so satisfying to enjoy the goodies that we have grown throughout the summer and on into autumn. At this time of year I love planning what we can change and add in next year. I’m now reading up on what we can look into growing over the winter, this will be the first time I will try this . It’s so exciting !

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